Do you react to things you experience and that is your action, or do you take action and create the life you want?The Reactor-TypeI got up this morning and as soon as I stepped out of bed I stumped my toe, and fell into the nightstand bruising my leg. It hurt so bad. Everything spiraled from there as I prepared to go to the job I hate just so I can sit and listen to all of the problems of the delinquent occupying the cubicle next to me. He always looks at me like my fly is open. Every time I see him, I want to scream, "Brush your teeth!" He is such a loser.The Creator TypeI woke this morning from a great night's sleep. As I got out of bed I stumped my toe and then I fell into the nightstand and really whacked my leg. If I didn't know better, I would swear someone moved that thing while I slept... lol. I couldn't wait to get to work so I quickly ignored the pounding in my toe, and just like that I forgot all about the event. I was in a particular hurry to get to work today. You see, there's this new kid in the cubicle next to me. He has had a rough time of it lately, but I really listen to him and we seem to be connecting in some way. He must know that I am being honest in trying to help him. Every time I see him I want to hug him and assure him that all is well. He's such a great kid.Which Type Am I?
Do I understand the difference? Do I acknowledge that it is in the choosing that I determine whether I am the creator of my reality or the reactor to it? Either way, I choose. I am the one who makes my reality. There is no one to blame when things go bad for me. In fact, as soon as I choose to forgive the imagined offender, I realize that there was never any offense committed against me. It is always my perception.
Rearrange Your Letters
Did you notice that each type makes use of the identical letters? Reactor. Creator. When I rearrange the letters, I see that I could be either one. It is how I choose to arrange the letters that determines the word I use to describe myself. In the same way, when I choose to see the world around me in a different way, the world takes on a different look for me. I choose. It is only I. There is no one that is to blame for anything.
Realize The Truth
To quote a portion of the introduction to A Course in Miracles: "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."
Dear friend, put on real eyes, and real-ize the truth of our existence: We are One. We are created in the image of God to be about the business of joining in with what God is doing. And what is God doing? He is waking his children from their slumber, as we are willing, and He is showing us who we really are. (Even while we are breaking our toe.) When you get it, express it, share it. The peace of God is for all people. It is meant to be expressed. In the expressing it is shared, and in our sharing we are creating peace on earth.
One Hope -- Peace. One World -- Now. One Love -- Forever.
We can change the world if we believe that we can. Believe. Be change.
I love you. -- jb