
What'd You Go And Do That For?

They (the unknown authorities) say that change is inevitable. We either choose to resist that change, or we allow the flow of Life to show us the new thing.

I am staring directly into the eyes of the new thing.

I am not sure what I see, but I know one thing. I have begun to expand my writing to include topics that were not my original intent, and I find that I have allowed my main focus for this blog to move off center.

I have lost focus.

When I began to explore my feelings about exclusion and the act of separation (the verb), I found writing was an outlet that served two purposes. I could voice my opinion of course, which is something I do well. I could also take the opportunity to reflect on the words that came from within me and allow them to be for me.

It has been good therapy.

It is good to reflect and take stock of what we are accomplishing for good as we walk the earth. In my contemplation I have decided that I will begin again with There Is No Them. I will continue to rant and rave here as Jeff Baker (the ego) Talks. God knows I have a need to talk.

At the same time, I am so very conscious of the fact that I live in a world that is hurting, with some on the brink of despair. The situation we find ourselves faced with today resulted specifically because of the egos of the greedy individuals who would rule the world. I still see it in myself. How I pray it were not so.

For those of you who, like me, ultimately see this world as a place of beauty and promise, I will soon provide a link to a blog that is more in tune with what I know I am to speak about. There is no way I can ever look out from these tiring eyes again and see otherness. It is so clear that we are meant to be connected in an intricate and divine fashion.

That we are divided by racial, religious, social, or even geographical lines is the great lie cast upon us, by us.

In our ignorance, we have hurt our brothers and sisters in some name or for some cause. Through anger and revenge we have given the taking of another person's life a certain legitimacy... no matter the reason. It all must end soon.

We must forgive. It is our only hope. See you soon.

Peace -- jb


  1. I really love your empathy, Jeff. I wish more were like that...

    I'm going through something transformational right now myself, spiritually. It's certainly different. And it feels incredibly good.

    Hang in there. You're a good man.

  2. Thanks man.

    I really appreciate your comment. I also appreciate you posts. I love the way you so easliy create dialogue. You have a way of drawing people out. It's cool.

    Transformation is good. Change is proof that something good exists... even if it's down the road :)~

    You're a good man as well. Be Peace.

    Thanks for dropping by

  3. Love your bravery and sense of new adventure to push through new areas Jeff! Such a wonderful plate of new discoveries awaiting with this type of passion. You will find more of your true self and your true nature on this path-just keep posting and sharing!

    One Love

  4. Oh my dear beautiful friend your voice and heart are so clear and they settle as great peace in my soul. I am soooooooo grateful for who you are and how you see and experience Life, how you CHOOSE to experience Life.

    There is no 'other' for me either. I look upon the world and see only many branches of one family tree. We lose so much when we judge another. We not only hurt them, but we repress and rob ourselves of the utmost riches.

    Every time I experience your profound compassion and open heart my world is made more real and whole. You are truly living Love. You are a sage in your time.

    What I love about your expressions here is that they come from your heart not your head. Actually I do not feel your ego here at all. It's some of the purest writing I've ever experienced.

    Thank you my dear friend.

  5. Hey Plex... thanks so much for dropping by. Life is indeed a wonderful adventure. It compells me forward with great wonder for the simplicity that we so easily complicate with otherness.

    My friend you are the brave one and a source of great inspration. I loved your video. Simply and pregnant with Truth.

    Blessings and Peace.

  6. Dear Robin,

    Where do you find the time to write such comments? You are so thoughtful and encouraging.

    I sigh as I think of the days when I felt I would delete my blog and do something else...

    There is so much hurt in this world that I find it hard NOT to write about my feelings.

    Ego drives that need. I want to help in a better way than just putting out electronic impulses of my opinion.

    All is Well. I have let go of that need and will wait for the words to come forth as they did in the beginning of this adventure. This journey inward to find me/we/us/I.

    Thanks again for touching my heart through your kind and gentle spirit. It is medicine for my tired mind. Namaste'.

  7. Kia ora Jeff,
    It reads to me as if you are really finding your focus. Your words resonate with me and I look forward to tuning in.

  8. Nice to meet you Robb. I love your occupation :)

    Yes, for me at this point, now, I must have clarity. At least as much as is my privilege to have. It is a good thing to have a clear path, both spiritually and emotionally. I choose that.

    Thanks for your comment.

    Please drop in again.


Have any thoughts on this post? I'd really love to hear from you. Be Peace, Make Peace -- jb