Hey, has this been the nastiest season for election commercials ever? I mean, if half of what one candidate says about the other is true we are doomed to elect a host of worthless office occupiers instead of individuals who give a crap about this great country.
I have to say that it sickens me that we have devolved to this type of wretched politics; but who's kidding who? It's been going on for years and we as the voting public are in a position of responsibility in speaking out about it, or it's just gonna get worse. I for one think the commercials should be banned in favor of debates... or UFC-type elimination. Just kidding. That stuff scares me.
At the same time it is very difficult to make sense of all the mudslinging. And if you're an honest citizen simply trying to vote your conscience and hopefully elect the right person for the job, it can be depressing as well. In navigating through the maze of innuendo and deceit, it's important to consider how we can get some clarity in the midst of the historical darkness that looms over our country's future.
For one thing, we can stop watching television. I know, that's sounds extreme but I did it a few years back and I feel like the effect has been a subtle lift in the energy of my day to day. It's okay to be informed, we just don't have to inundated. Second, and of considerably more importance, we can pray about it. I don't mean, "Dear Lord help me to know who is the least evil among the candidates." I am talking about praying for our country specifically, as well as the men and women who are vying for your vote. It's important that we have a spiritual approach to elections since the attitude of ugliness we have been witnessing seems to have a certain dark force behind it. I'm not a doom-and-gloom type but I can see evil when it presents itself.
Let's call it what it is.
We want honesty in office. We want integrity. And we want results. I do not take sides and this post is definitely not of partisan flavor, but I am an American who is sick and tired of being sick and tired of the way we get blindsided by the very ones who promise to lift our country out of the mess we've made. I love this place and I want to see it lifted up, not torn down. I am praying that God will have mercy on all of us.
To make sense of this election requires a bit more in the brains department than I have to work with. However I don't have to be Einstein to recognize that we need Divine intervention, and we need it soon. Maybe the answer lies in remembering the history of other great nations who have gone before. I for one do not look forward to being another statistic, and I would be thankful to see us get our proverbial act together and begin working together instead of attacking our brothers and sisters. Some days it seems like it may be too late.
Is it too late?
I don't know, but God knows we need an answer, and we need it soon. Love works in all sorts of situations in helping to bring about reconciliation and healing. Can't we pray for Love to infiltrate the hearts and minds of our already-elected officials as well as those who are about to take office? Maybe it's just me, but today it feels like we don't have any remaining options except to make Love the foundation of our thoughts and actions.
There was a great man named Jesus, Emmanuel, the Christ who visited us and taught that loving God and loving each other were the most important things to consider. Is there a candidate out there who has said that he loves his opponent?
LUVWRX. I Believe it!
-- jb
Happy Halloween
I guess you could say I'm not that into it, but for the kids' sake most of us go out and buy tons of deadly, obesity-promoting products disguised as "candy" so we can load down each lil guy's bag with as much as they can drag home. How long does it take to eat all that junk anyway?
I remember that when I was a kid there was no alternative to Trick or Treating like we have today. Lately it seems all the religious outfits wanting to redeem the holiday offer the option of a Fall Celebration. I rather like that since the folks in my neighborhood seem bent on the creepiest decorations I have ever seen: hanging corpses, zombie-like figures, and cobwebs with spiders the size of Volkswagens...
Give me a break.
All I'm saying is, you can take things too far and they lose their entertainment value. I guess that's why the local churches have seized the idea and are advertising for their share of the popular consciousness. I don't mind that so much, but I wish we could just leave church work to helping the poor and outcast, and let the "entertaining" of fun-seeking horror buffs be a midnight party someplace a long way from my house. That way I don't have to be reminded of my fear of Freddy and Jason. Those movies scared the crap out of me, and I have never forgotten it. I can't even stand to watch the trailers for the movies these days. We have definitely graduated to the next level of sick when it comes to the minds behind some of this junk
I digress.
You know what I wish? I wish there was as much talent and imagination when it comes to ways of making people feel safe and loved, as seems to exist in attempting to make them feel demon possessed and potential victims of some psychopath. In my mind's eye I can see a world of people that don't even experience death. I dream of love and the empty graveyard. I dream of unlocked homes and drive by kisses. I am a very strange man you might be thinking, but in the world I am speaking of, there is One Lord, One Christ, One Love for All to be in the midst of. No more reason to poison children with copious amounts of sugar; no promotion of evil acts and death; no excuse for being anything less than a good neighbor and friend to those who have no one... ever.
There is no them.
Look around and see those who are lonely and hungry. The elderly women and the fatherless children of our communities need more than Tricks and Treats, they need food, love, protection and ATTENTION.
Pay attention Beloved!
We can't ignore them and we mustn't forget them. There is no them as long as we receive them into our world of big bank accounts, luxury cars, and nice spacious homes. Look around. See them. Love them. Treat them to a Fall celebration that could potentially save them from their despair. Trick them into thinking they are loved and accepted and then convince them it's true. And may God bless your doing and your being what Jesus asks each of us to do and be.
(James 1:27) Read it!
I remember that when I was a kid there was no alternative to Trick or Treating like we have today. Lately it seems all the religious outfits wanting to redeem the holiday offer the option of a Fall Celebration. I rather like that since the folks in my neighborhood seem bent on the creepiest decorations I have ever seen: hanging corpses, zombie-like figures, and cobwebs with spiders the size of Volkswagens...
Give me a break.
All I'm saying is, you can take things too far and they lose their entertainment value. I guess that's why the local churches have seized the idea and are advertising for their share of the popular consciousness. I don't mind that so much, but I wish we could just leave church work to helping the poor and outcast, and let the "entertaining" of fun-seeking horror buffs be a midnight party someplace a long way from my house. That way I don't have to be reminded of my fear of Freddy and Jason. Those movies scared the crap out of me, and I have never forgotten it. I can't even stand to watch the trailers for the movies these days. We have definitely graduated to the next level of sick when it comes to the minds behind some of this junk
I digress.
You know what I wish? I wish there was as much talent and imagination when it comes to ways of making people feel safe and loved, as seems to exist in attempting to make them feel demon possessed and potential victims of some psychopath. In my mind's eye I can see a world of people that don't even experience death. I dream of love and the empty graveyard. I dream of unlocked homes and drive by kisses. I am a very strange man you might be thinking, but in the world I am speaking of, there is One Lord, One Christ, One Love for All to be in the midst of. No more reason to poison children with copious amounts of sugar; no promotion of evil acts and death; no excuse for being anything less than a good neighbor and friend to those who have no one... ever.
There is no them.
Look around and see those who are lonely and hungry. The elderly women and the fatherless children of our communities need more than Tricks and Treats, they need food, love, protection and ATTENTION.
Pay attention Beloved!
We can't ignore them and we mustn't forget them. There is no them as long as we receive them into our world of big bank accounts, luxury cars, and nice spacious homes. Look around. See them. Love them. Treat them to a Fall celebration that could potentially save them from their despair. Trick them into thinking they are loved and accepted and then convince them it's true. And may God bless your doing and your being what Jesus asks each of us to do and be.
(James 1:27) Read it!
Move Your Mountain
It's too close to mine:)
Jesus Christ taught that we have the power to move mountains through prayer. By mountains, I like to think he was including life's many obstacles. We seem to have more than our share these days but the question is:
What are we going to do about our circumstances if things are not like we want them?
When I was a child I thought that if I closed my eyes I would become invisible. Well I have tried that as an adult, and it doesn't work all that well. I have tried praying, and it seems that even praying doesn't eliminate my mountains.
For the last few days I have really tried to come to grips with the instability of things... you know, here today gone tomorrow, or piles of bills, or the illnesses of our loved ones. I am certain that we all can relate to some of these things. I am almost equally as certain that many of us are not able to move our mountains in such a way as to feel relief.
Why is that?
For me it begins with my own ability to see beyond my circumstances. It is a faith issue to a large degree, and no matter how much we may be on our knees, if we don't believe that things will improve, chances are they are not going to.
I have challenged myself to be more content with the instability of others. I only control me, and I can be steady on my own if that is how it needs to be. I can only pay what I can pay so if my bills are in the way of my peace, I can spend less and save more. Things are never as bad as they seem. While my family is pretty healthy, I have a dear one who is not doing so well. I can't heal her or I would. I can't even maker her feel better with my words. I can however just sit and be with her. Sometimes words aren't a necessary element in the art of loving another.
Beloved, you can move your mountain. And you can begin by changing the way you see your situation. By changing the way you see things, things begin to change.
I love you... and LUVWRX. Believe it!
Jesus Christ taught that we have the power to move mountains through prayer. By mountains, I like to think he was including life's many obstacles. We seem to have more than our share these days but the question is:
What are we going to do about our circumstances if things are not like we want them?
When I was a child I thought that if I closed my eyes I would become invisible. Well I have tried that as an adult, and it doesn't work all that well. I have tried praying, and it seems that even praying doesn't eliminate my mountains.
For the last few days I have really tried to come to grips with the instability of things... you know, here today gone tomorrow, or piles of bills, or the illnesses of our loved ones. I am certain that we all can relate to some of these things. I am almost equally as certain that many of us are not able to move our mountains in such a way as to feel relief.
Why is that?
For me it begins with my own ability to see beyond my circumstances. It is a faith issue to a large degree, and no matter how much we may be on our knees, if we don't believe that things will improve, chances are they are not going to.
I have challenged myself to be more content with the instability of others. I only control me, and I can be steady on my own if that is how it needs to be. I can only pay what I can pay so if my bills are in the way of my peace, I can spend less and save more. Things are never as bad as they seem. While my family is pretty healthy, I have a dear one who is not doing so well. I can't heal her or I would. I can't even maker her feel better with my words. I can however just sit and be with her. Sometimes words aren't a necessary element in the art of loving another.
Beloved, you can move your mountain. And you can begin by changing the way you see your situation. By changing the way you see things, things begin to change.
I love you... and LUVWRX. Believe it!
it matters not what season
of life i'm in right now,there's more than one good reason
to let silence show me how
to hear what i've needed so to hear
and with much more clarity,
that life is really, really good
it's not meant to be a rarity.
being alone, for me,
was hard for many years.
but in silence now i see
that i was blinded by my fears
of being left, rejected or
abandoned by someone.
not being needed anymore
is not my style of fun.
fun for me was hard
on the one who gave so much,
that she's the one who's scarred
mine just don't mean that much.
and in the silence now
i'm hearing truth in love.
spirit showing exactly how
my freedom's like the dove,
able to soar above the din
of chaos, noise, and pain.
the things i did i don't defend,
but i won't do them again.
if i had another chance to show
my heart's been healed at last,
my love, i think, would finally know...
but that's living in the past.
there is no going back for me.
had to learn the karmic way.
though it's not meant to be that easy,
i've paid my dues you could say.
in silence now i'm reassured
that i'm honorable, good, and true.
spirit my soul has kindly cured
at last i feel brand new.
LUVWRX. Believe it!
My Next Move
sting of tears
relinquishing fears
all these years
love in arrears
i'm learning
with eyes burning
pages turning
as love's returning
it's my next move
and i choose love
not a curse
could be worse
in a hearse
my final traverse
back in the groove
with scars to prove
my next move
is one of love
it's my next move
and i choose love
shedding my skin
exposing to sin
no lose, no win
beginning again
no danger of fear
love oh so dear
feeling it near
truth to appear
it's my next move
and i choose love
peace my quest
no form of test
just find my rest
love, you're the best
nothing to prove
just my next move
heart does behoove
it comes from above
and it's my next move
so i choose love
So Long Gone -- Love is Free?
six feet tall and bullet proof
or at least that's what I thought.
believed it all,
down came the roof.
your word I completely bought.
shame on you,
shame on me
cause you're so long gone.
i won't blame you,
so don't blame me.
once more on my own
i gave my heart away,
no cost to you did i impart.
my love was free
but as of today
there's a hole in my heart.
yet love is free?
well from shit grows the rose.
so it is with love i suppose.
if love is free,
i'd rather pay God for some guarantee
no time for tears,
my heart's on the run.
oh, burn away the clouds of fear,
and break through sweet sun.
stop this constant pain;
too hard to take.
i want to grow in love again.
people can be so fake!
yes, mistakes were made
with loads of regret.
if love is free, as has been portrayed
why are these eyes so wet?
cause love isn't free
if it was, it is no more.
no, there's a price that's paid.
it's keeping score;
my heart left in shreds
what now?
i tore off the rearview,
and i won't look back.
i'll keep moving forward
and stay on track.
must protect my heart
by remembering True Love flows free
right here; right now
true LUVWRX. Believe it!
or at least that's what I thought.
believed it all,
down came the roof.
your word I completely bought.
shame on you,
shame on me
cause you're so long gone.
i won't blame you,
so don't blame me.
once more on my own
i gave my heart away,
no cost to you did i impart.
my love was free
but as of today
there's a hole in my heart.
yet love is free?
well from shit grows the rose.
so it is with love i suppose.
if love is free,
i'd rather pay God for some guarantee
no time for tears,
my heart's on the run.
oh, burn away the clouds of fear,
and break through sweet sun.
stop this constant pain;
too hard to take.
i want to grow in love again.
people can be so fake!
yes, mistakes were made
with loads of regret.
if love is free, as has been portrayed
why are these eyes so wet?
cause love isn't free
if it was, it is no more.
no, there's a price that's paid.
it's keeping score;
my heart left in shreds
what now?
i tore off the rearview,
and i won't look back.
i'll keep moving forward
and stay on track.
must protect my heart
by remembering True Love flows free
right here; right now
true LUVWRX. Believe it!
When All Is Said And Done
Here is a song by Matt Redman.
Listen friend, and when you're done, listen to it again.
Tune your life to Heaven's song today.
LUVWRX! Believe it.
Listen friend, and when you're done, listen to it again.
Tune your life to Heaven's song today.
LUVWRX! Believe it.
How to Improve Your Decision-Making Skills
Decisions. Decisions.
Do you ever find yourself unable to settle on a choice? Is the comfort of knowing you're making the right decision eluding you right now? Why can't you just decide for goodness' sake?
This Ain't No Menu, Baby. This Is Real Life!
Sometimes trying to make a decision is like trying to open a child-proof medicine bottle with oil on my hands. I get so caught up in pros and cons that even the original issue can become cloudy. I'd like to possess the ability to see my choices clearly, pick the one best for me in that moment, and never, ever second guess myself. Sometimes I get it right. But there are times when I seem frozen in indecision.
Ironically, I talk alot about choice. Choosing can be automatic it seems, and we do it constantly on a daily basis. Yet there are moments when a particular decision can have far-reaching implications, involving the well-being of others.
I also speak about how meditation has helped me to find clarity and peace while I ponder an issue. It can be a great source of comfort to listen for God-breathed answers while waiting on a God-sized response to my need. Then, if I'm not paying attention, I catch myself just staring at a menu. Just staring... like I'm in some state of menu meditation, when I come to the realization that it has been more than a few minutes. The party I am with are all looking at me with their silly grins while my eyes are glazed over like Krispy-Kreme doughnuts. You know what I'm saying? I'm in a real dilemna. The kind that, to take too long in deciding, can get me run over in traffic. No kidding.
Faith. Hope. Love.
Beloved, decision making need not be a struggle, no matter the gravity of my situation. To have certainty in my choices can be a reality, free of pain and sleep loss. The very same One who guides me to the point of decision, is the same One who guides me to the correct choice. The same One who guides me out of on-coming traffice, is the same One who in the blink of a sugar-coated eye, provides peace in all circumstances.
It takes faith to believe that I am led to the tipping point as surely as I am provided a way to escape a tumble. I have a hope that all my steps are accounted for, and that hope rests in the knowledge that God has never abandoned me. When I leave my struggle in his capable hands, the Peace of the Spirit of Christ settles over my issue. When this is accomplished, his Love compels me to forget my struggle, and to remember that others face greater challenges than I.
The Love of Christ sustains me...
No matter how serious my decision may be, the Love of Christ sustains me. Whether I am choosing between the sushi or the hamburger; trying again or quitting; leaving or staying; I can know that my decision is best when I let Christ in on the process, and choose to partner with him. Remember these words the next time a decision becomes a challenge (even if it's only a menu choice.) They were spoken by Jesus, the Christ to those who needed to hear it. I know I did. God bless your decisions.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
LUVWRX! Believe it.
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Do you ever find yourself unable to settle on a choice? Is the comfort of knowing you're making the right decision eluding you right now? Why can't you just decide for goodness' sake?
This Ain't No Menu, Baby. This Is Real Life!
Sometimes trying to make a decision is like trying to open a child-proof medicine bottle with oil on my hands. I get so caught up in pros and cons that even the original issue can become cloudy. I'd like to possess the ability to see my choices clearly, pick the one best for me in that moment, and never, ever second guess myself. Sometimes I get it right. But there are times when I seem frozen in indecision.
Ironically, I talk alot about choice. Choosing can be automatic it seems, and we do it constantly on a daily basis. Yet there are moments when a particular decision can have far-reaching implications, involving the well-being of others.
I also speak about how meditation has helped me to find clarity and peace while I ponder an issue. It can be a great source of comfort to listen for God-breathed answers while waiting on a God-sized response to my need. Then, if I'm not paying attention, I catch myself just staring at a menu. Just staring... like I'm in some state of menu meditation, when I come to the realization that it has been more than a few minutes. The party I am with are all looking at me with their silly grins while my eyes are glazed over like Krispy-Kreme doughnuts. You know what I'm saying? I'm in a real dilemna. The kind that, to take too long in deciding, can get me run over in traffic. No kidding.
Faith. Hope. Love.
Beloved, decision making need not be a struggle, no matter the gravity of my situation. To have certainty in my choices can be a reality, free of pain and sleep loss. The very same One who guides me to the point of decision, is the same One who guides me to the correct choice. The same One who guides me out of on-coming traffice, is the same One who in the blink of a sugar-coated eye, provides peace in all circumstances.
It takes faith to believe that I am led to the tipping point as surely as I am provided a way to escape a tumble. I have a hope that all my steps are accounted for, and that hope rests in the knowledge that God has never abandoned me. When I leave my struggle in his capable hands, the Peace of the Spirit of Christ settles over my issue. When this is accomplished, his Love compels me to forget my struggle, and to remember that others face greater challenges than I.
The Love of Christ sustains me...
No matter how serious my decision may be, the Love of Christ sustains me. Whether I am choosing between the sushi or the hamburger; trying again or quitting; leaving or staying; I can know that my decision is best when I let Christ in on the process, and choose to partner with him. Remember these words the next time a decision becomes a challenge (even if it's only a menu choice.) They were spoken by Jesus, the Christ to those who needed to hear it. I know I did. God bless your decisions.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
LUVWRX! Believe it.
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I Am Not Afraid

I am not afraid.
I am also not afraid to say to the darkness that, "I know who I am in the process of becoming. The dream of my Father will come to pass!"
We are created by and through Christ, who is the very nature of God. We are created with the same nature, and we can realize more of our purpose when we listen to (and live out) Christ through his Word in Micah 6:8, which states, "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, your God says that when you show kindness and justice, when you offer grace and acceptance, and when you set aside judgement and present genuine forgiveness through Love, all is well. Do this child, and you will see the "grip" loosen, the chains weaken, and the darkness (ego) drop its head in shame as it finds itself in the Presence of real Love.
Love is all we need.
Never believe the lies you hear, especially the ones you hear yourself saying. You are Loved. You are forgiven. You are accepted as you are. And you are so special that all you need to do right now is let go, and fall back into his Loving arms.
You are good!
There... don't you feel better now?
LUVXRX! Believe it.
It All Starts With Me
Don't look outward
for the answer
to the dilemna.
The answer lies inside.
Don't look at others
for a place to point the blame.
There is no one to blame.
Looking outside
instead of going within
is an ego thing anyway.
It all starts with me.
I am the interpreter
of my experience.
I am the creator
of my reality.
It all starts with me.
It's not all about me.
It just all starts with me.
What do I see?
What am I looking for?
How will this day
be described
when it's done?
Whether good
or bad,
it's up to me.
My focus
is on improving me.
I look inside
to see the real me.
it all starts with me.
I look inside
where no mask
can disguise
the real me.
No pretending.
No defending.
No mind game.
In the midst of me.
In the deep place.
That's where the truth,
my truth resides.
Deep inside
I know that...
it all starts with me.
Who am I?

for the answer
to the dilemna.
The answer lies inside.
Don't look at others
for a place to point the blame.
There is no one to blame.
Looking outside
instead of going within
is an ego thing anyway.
It all starts with me.
I am the interpreter
of my experience.
I am the creator
of my reality.
It all starts with me.
It's not all about me.
It just all starts with me.
What do I see?
What am I looking for?
How will this day
be described
when it's done?
Whether good
or bad,
it's up to me.
My focus
is on improving me.
I look inside
to see the real me.
it all starts with me.
I look inside
where no mask
can disguise
the real me.
No pretending.
No defending.
No mind game.
In the midst of me.
In the deep place.
That's where the truth,
my truth resides.
Deep inside
I know that...
it all starts with me.
Who am I?
Where's the Love?
An old idea resurfacing.
A new way needed.
An old prayer the answer.
But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves. I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.
As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth. I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, [are] in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.
And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.
Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world. O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare [it], that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.
-- John 17:9-26 NKJV)
We are One.
There is no them.
Christ was referring to all of us.
Therefore, let us be active participants within the prayer of Jesus.
LUVWRX. Believe it!
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