
Dawn of a New Day

If you've ever had the divine luxury of being anywhere there is more sea than land, and it just so happened you got to be on the land, I'd say you were in paradise. The exquisite combination of the scented air, painted skies, and laid back pace just whispers in your ear with each passing second, "Let go, look around, allow the things that would weigh you down to serve as the very wings that carry you out of that place you've been stuck in for so long. Love this place, this place where you are, and through it begin to love yourSelf once more. Just like you did when you were a kid.

Do you remember when you were a kid?

I do, and I did a lot of crazy things when I was just a boy. My friends and I would love to see just how late we could stay up when spending the night together. These days I travel a good bit, and I have discovered that when traveling, my sleep pattern gets whacky. If you've ever found yourself out of synch with your body clock, you've possibly found yourself awake as the dawn breaks. Oh my friend, if not, grab some of your closest people and go to an island and stay awake the whole night, that very first night! I bear witness to the magic of such moments in my own life... it is utterly splendid. To be awake and alive as a new day presents itself to you in all its captivating light, provides you the opportunity to make a new day for you. If you've been stuck, you deserve a new day.

You really deserve a new day.

It is a moment like I have attempted to illustrate for you here, that I am praying and intending for my world to experience in every moment. I would like a new day where, as we are seeing the beauty in our surroundings, that beauty automatically includes the people within our view.

My world consists of you and me. We are people and even though I do not know you, I love you. For me, it is that simple. I'd be lying if I didn't admit here that I miss the mark on occasion. I love my wife more than I can describe, yet I miss the mark with her as well. So please, believe me when I tell you that I love you. I will not lie to you.

I speak of world peace sometimes as if it already exists. It can and it will when we all speak of it in unison. We are eternally, indisputably, and undeniably connected. We unknowingly believe otherwise when we view others as anything less than equal. That's pretty simple for me too. Call me simple-minded. There are days that I pray for just that :O

Well, I will leave those ramblings with you for now. I am in a quandary, and I need your help.

They say there comes a time for all of us when we must pick up and move on. I have had so many people tell me I should be using WordPress that I have finally succumbed to the pressure. I realize that I have a lot more to learn, and honestly, I will continue to post on this platform as long as the learning curve keeps me off balance at WP. It is a different world to be sure.

At the same time, I began blogging with the full intention of making it my full-time profession as well as an enjoyable way to pass the time. Do what you love, and love what you do. An old adage with all new meaning for this wild-eyed southern boy. And I want to keep these eyes open for a way to convert all my stuff, get all the coolest bling for my site, and not lose my mind or my content in the process. Whew... and did I mention not lose my mind?

I enjoy connecting with you and I appreciate all the great comments. Here's to you, and I will be waiting to see who will be the one to help me get on with "my new day."

Peace is really cool, love is the reason, thoughts about those two things alone could change the world. Think. About. It. -- jb

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Have any thoughts on this post? I'd really love to hear from you. Be Peace, Make Peace -- jb