I was just dwelling on the thought that right now, I really don't know all that much when it comes to all-certain-there-is-no-error-possible type knowing. The fact is, I do not know, and I am actually cool with that. The next thought is really the impetus that started as the thought that led to my rambling in public once more.
So my question of myself is: Why am I not freaked out about not having the remedy for my current state of affairs? Why am I actually finding freedom with not being in control of "how" it all works out until it manifests as what I really want? Is it patience, passivity, complacency, sacrifice? Or is it trust?
It matters little to me if you are a Christian, an Atheist, a Buddhist, or a Pimp, at some point you have to trust something, or someone, even if it is yourself. So the question that follows is: What level of control am I willing to relinquish in order for my dream to become a reality?
Place your trust somewhere.
I trust God but I also trust myself because I have learned to trust the innate instinct that comes from being alive and awake in this physical element we call human being. I am aware that animals ran for higher ground before the terrible Asian tsunami in 2004, while humans took pictures. Yet I am equally certain that while you and I are curious by nature, we also possess all it takes to have a trust level in our own instincts that cannot and should not be throttled by the teachings of the ones, whether they be professors or preachers, who would keep you from your completely and totally becoming who you really are.
Who are you really?
One way you can really know is to let go of the fear of asking the questions that are burning in your heart even as you read these words. You know which ones I mean, the ones you know that to ask them and then get certain answers could and would change everything. Just your asking could change everything. If only you would ask.
Here's the deal: It is the awareness of the question that is the hint of truth that there is truth that has not yet been offered. Trust the question and in the asking lies the answer. You deep down already know the answer, and you just need to get it out in the open and decide how you feel about it. There is freedom in asking. There is even more freedom in getting the answers. It is good to ask. It is even better to insist on the truth.
Let the chips fall where they may.
So in our asking we are making the conscious choice to challenge the system that we have known up to the point of the asking. This choice will lead to the beginning stages of discovering who you really are. Don't let popular opinion make your decisions for you. Don't let anyone lead you away from what your heart tells you is true. Truth is not always the same for each and every person... and that is quite by design. Truth is personal. Think about it.
Think. About. It.
Think! My friend, your opinion is important. It should be heard, for without your opinion there might never exist a reality called world peace. Without your input it might take longer than necessary to get this planet (and its management) on track with what's best for our Earth.
God bless her.
You know, it might ultimately be proven that I know nothing. I may have to adjust my thinking as new information comes along, but for today what I know is that as long as I make an intentional choice to press for truth, never settling for anything that leaves me less than completely satisfied, I can wait for the answer as long as it takes. Time is an illusion anyway, so it may just work itself out overnight.
Peace, love, and happy thoughts...what else is there? -- jb